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Designperspektiven: «Opportunities in Bicycle Design» mit Torgny Fjeldskaar

At the upcoming «Designperspektiven», designer Torgny Fjeldskaar will give us his perspective on amazing future opportunities in bicycle design and light urban mobility along with his key learnings from a long career. His many years of professional experience as an industrial and automotive designer together with his lifelong passion for bicycles make him an expert in this industry.

Torgny Fjeldskaar studied Mechanical Engineering in Trondheim, Norway and then completed his Master's degree in Transport Vehicle Design in Barcelona. Since then, he has worked as a designer at Mazda, Cannondale Bicycles, BMW and was Design Director at BMC Bicycles until 2019. Throughout his career, he played a key role in the development of iconic bikes such as the Cannondale SystemSix, Cannondale Hooligan and BMC Teammachine.

The event will take place on Tuesday, 14 May 2024 at 17:00 in the ZHAW lecture hall 6.T47 in the Toni Areal and will be held in English. Interested parties are welcome. Admission is free of charge.

What are the «Designperspektiven»?
The «Designperspektiven» series of events offers students and interested parties professional insights into design practice and highlights key aspects of neighbouring disciplines that influence industrial design.

> Click here for the semester programme

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Designer Torgny Fjeldskaar
Designer Torgny Fjeldskaar